Q&A: Meet RESTORE Social Media and Online Community Manager, Bonnie Tilley

Hey Bonnie. Why don't we get "social" and help our users to get to know you a little better?

Q: What do you do at RESTORE-Skills and in what circumstances would I come to you for something?

A: I am the Social Media and Online Community Manager for RESTORE. You would come to me for questions or help in our online community or if you had questions or feedback regarding any of our social media channels.

happy social media GIF by SLOTHILDA

Q: What led you to this career path?

A. I love being social in real life, so it was a pretty easy transition. I enjoy getting to know people and social media is a great place to study people. Study, stalk, whatever. Plus I love humor and social media is a great place to both find and showcase humor.

Q: How do you prefer to start and end your day?

A. I prefer to start each day with a shower and I’m believing other people appreciate that about me. I love to end my day chatting with my daughter about her day.

Cat Shower GIF

Q: What is your favorite thing to do when not at work? 

A. I love to volunteer at my church. I do everything from mentoring teens and young adults, to working on the tech team to teaching classes.

Q. If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?

A. Spanish. I am great at Spanglish, but would love to be fluent with the language.

Q: What’s one totally irrational fear you have?

A. Clowns #dontjudgeme

clown GIF by Team Coco

Q: What three words would your friends use to describe you?

A. Creative, Empathetic and Hilarious. No, really... I texted several friends and asked.

Those three words sound like the perfect fit for RESTORE's social media. Thanks for sharing with us! Have a question for Bonnie? Drop us a comment and we will get you an answer.

Posted in Employees, News, RESTORE, Seniors and tagged , , , , , , .

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