Mix Digital Play and Real-World Fun This Summer

Hey there, summer's rolling in! How about blending cool tech with real-world fun for your residents? We're mixing digital games and activities with hands-on experiences to turn each day into an adventure. The sun's out—and smiles are guaranteed!


1. Patriotic Sing-Alongs

  • Setup: Decorate with flags and patriotic colors..
  • Experience: Residents will sing along with patriotic songs on RESTORE-Skills.
  • Real-Life Activity: Encourage residents to share stories or memories related to songs.
  • Extra: Create patriotic crafts like flag-making.
  • Benefit: Builds community spirit and memory recall.

2. Trivia: International Flags

  • Setup: Arrange seating in a circle, decorated with various international flags.
  • Experience: Host a flag trivia game on RESTORE-Skills with residents in groups.
  • Real-Life Activity: Groups use handheld flags to signal their answers.
  • Extra: Discuss cultural facts and landmarks from each country.
  • Benefit: Improves team spirit, global awareness, and cognitive skills.

3. Trivia: Bird Watching

  • Setup: Display pictures of various birds; use nature sounds.
  • Experience: Engage in Bird Watching trivia on RESTORE-Skills.
  • Real-Life Activity: Organize a bird-watching session in the garden or virtually.
  • Extra: Create bird-related crafts or discuss bird facts.
  • Benefit: Connects residents with nature and improves observational skills.

4. Cruise Bingo

  • Setup: Decorate the room like a cruise ship; play nautical music.
  • Experience: Play Cruise Bingo on RESTORE-Skills.
  • Real-Life Activity: Use Cruise Bingo printables for a hands-on game.
  • Extra: Encourage residents to dress in cruise attire.
  • Benefit: Makes the game more immersive and stimulates sensory engagement.

5. Freedom Flight

  • Setup: Create a mini airport setting with “boarding passes.”
  • Experience: Residents “travel” to various destinations on RESTORE-Skills.
  • Real-Life Activity: Set up destination-themed stations.
  • Extra: Serve snacks or dishes from the visited destinations.
  • Benefit: Stimulates imagination and cultural awareness.

6. Slots of Summer

  • Setup: Create a small casino area with tropical decorations.
  • Experience: Play Slots of Summer on RESTORE-Skills.
  • Real-Life Activity: Set up a mini casino with simple slot machines or card games.
  • Extra: Offer mocktails to enhance the experience.
  • Benefit: Adds excitement and improves hand-eye coordination.

7. Fishing Quest

  • Setup: Set up a small pond with magnetic fish.
  • Experience: Engage in a virtual fishing quest on RESTORE-Skills.
  • Real-Life Activity: Let residents catch magnetic fish in a small pond setup.
  • Extra: Discuss different types of fish and fishing stories.
  • Benefit: Improves fine motor skills and provides a fun, interactive experience.

8. Jet Ski Adventure

  • Setup: Create a beach-like atmosphere with wave sounds.
  • Experience: Enjoy virtual jet ski rides on RESTORE-Skills.
  • Real-Life Activity: Organize a water balloon toss session to mimic water activities.
  • Extra: Host a tropical drink tasting with different mocktails and smoothies.
  • Benefit: Creates sensory experience and encourages storytelling.

9. Virtual Travel: Yellowstone Park

  • Setup: Decorate with nature-themed decor.
  • Experience: Watch videos of Yellowstone Park on RESTORE-Skills.
  • Real-Life Activity: Discuss geothermal features and wildlife.
  • Extra: Organize a nature-themed photo area with props for residents to take pictures.
  • Benefit: Provides a virtual nature experience and sparks curiosity and learning.

10. Virtual Travel: Paris (for the Olympics)

  • Setup: Decorate with Parisian and Olympic-themed decor.
  • Experience: Watch videos of Paris on RESTORE-Skills.
  • Real-Life Activity: Discuss the history of Paris and the Olympics.
  • Extra: Host a mini “Olympics” with simple games and activities.
  • Benefit: Combines cultural education with the excitement of the Olympics.

11. Interactive Tour: Explore the Grand Canyon

  • Setup: Create ambiance with Grand Canyon-themed visuals and nature sounds
  • Experience: Take a virtual tour of the Grand Canyon on RESTORE-Skills.
  • Real-Life Activity: Plan an outdoor scavenger hunt with items related to nature and Yellowstone.
  • Extra: "Paint the Canyon.” Residents create their own Grand Canyon on paper.
  • Benefit: Grand Canyon comes alive for residents, sparking curiosity and creativity. 

Let's kick summer into high gear with activities that promise excitement! We've got virtual adventures that will amaze you and hands-on fun that will have everyone laughing and cheering. Come soak up the fun and make this summer an absolute blast! 🌞

Click Here to schedule a RESTORE-Skills demo.

Introducing AutoSave: Never Lose Data Again

Have you ever been in the middle of critical documentation when your connection falters or your system glitches?

Welcome to the world of Auto-Save on RESTORE-Insights, the newest addition to our platform that’s tailor-made to save your day and your data. Here’s why Auto-Save is quickly becoming an essential tool for healthcare professionals.

A Must Have

  1. Real-Time Data Saving: With AUTO-Save, every piece of data you enter is saved automatically, reducing the risk of data loss and ensuring your records are always up-to-date.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency: Say goodbye to manual saves and interruptions. AUTO-Save streamlines your workflow, allowing therapists to work more efficiently and with greater peace of mind.
  3. Increased Accuracy: By eliminating the need for manual saves, AUTO-Save minimizes the risk of documentation errors, ensuring precise and accurate records every time.
  4. Improved Focus on Patient Care: Free from the worry of losing data, therapists can devote more attention to their patients, enhancing the overall quality of care.

Benefits Your Operations

  • Smooth Workflow: AutoSave keeps your operations running smoothly by saving your documentation, giving your team peace of mind and the freedom to focus on what matters most: delivering exceptional care without interruptions.
  • Increased Productivity: Your team spends less time documenting and more time caring for patients and completing essential tasks by entering notes directly into our EMR, improving efficiency.

Auto-Save on RESTORE-Insights is more than just a feature—it's a comprehensive solution to a long-standing problem. Say goodbye to the worries of lost notes and embrace uninterrupted, secure documentation.

Ready to see the full potential of RESTORE-Insights? Schedule your demo today and discover how it can make a real difference for your team!

Click Here to schedule a RESTORE-Insights demo and experience a facility-wide commitment to skill building.

Let’s Samba Our Way to Joy and Health!

Hey there! Imagine transforming everyday care into an explosion of joy and energy with music and dance steps. That's what Samba Fitness brings to the table, and we’re helping every skilled nursing facility get in on the action. Here's the lowdown on why this isn't just another activity—it's a game-changer.
  1. Universal Participation
    It doesn't matter if someone's mobility isn't what it used to be. Samba Fitness adapts to everyone, making sure no one misses out on the fun or the health benefits.
  2. Beat the Blues
    Down days happen, but Samba has this incredible way of turning frowns upside down. The rhythms and movements are natural mood lifters, chasing away stress and inviting in happy vibes.
  3. Friendship Factory
    Loneliness, be gone! Samba brings people together, sparking connections and friendships in ways that regular activities just don't. It's the perfect recipe for a vibrant community spirit.
  4. Cultural Gateway
    Stepping into Samba is like opening a door to Brazil's heart. This dance is a vibrant celebration of life, inviting participants to explore a rich cultural heritage through every beat and step. It’s not just movement; it’s a journey that enriches the soul
  5. Brain Gym
    Here's a fun fact: dancing makes you smarter! Learning and remembering dance routines is a fantastic mental exercise, keeping brains as nimble as feet.
  6. Revitalize Your Space
    Samba transforms spaces from mundane to magical, infusing energy and life into daily routines. It's about creating an environment where everyone feels engaged, valued, and full of life.
Samba Fitness is more than just an activity; it's a pathway to a more joyful, healthy, and connected community in nursing homes. It's about making every day brighter and every smile wider. So, why not lace up those dancing shoes and let the rhythm take over? It's time to dance our way to a better, happier tomorrow. Who's with us?
P.S. We'd love to hear about the creative ways you're using RESTORE-Skills. Post in the RESTORE  Game Changers, skilled-care professional Facebook group and let the world see your genius!
Transform how residents receive care all while streamlining workflow with RESTORE’s innovative platform. Click Here to schedule a RESTORE-Skills demo.

Jigsaw Puzzles, IADLs, and Safety Awareness

Welcome to the realm of Digital Jigsaw Puzzles, where fun and learning collide! With themes like Wild Animals, Cats, Dogs, Scenery, Food, and more, these puzzles are transforming how we approach daily living skills and safety awareness.

Occupational Therapists (OTs):

  • Meal Preparation: Initiate discussions on nutrition and safe kitchen practices using food-themed puzzles. Enhance learning and multi-step directions using the Kitchen Mixin' game.

  • Environmental Safety: Start conversations about navigating different environments safely using scenery puzzles. Complement discussions with activities like the Safely Home game and Discharge to Home Trivia.

Physical Therapists (PTs):

  • Safe Mobility: Emphasize mobility and safety within the environment with puzzles featuring nature and animals. Include exercises to improve balance and coordination.

  • Outdoor Safety: Lead discussions on safe outdoor activities with puzzles depicting trees and nature scenes, focusing on proper body mechanics, with all movement,  to decrease falls.

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs):

  • Safety Communication: Spark discussions on safety around animals and in natural habitats using puzzles featuring wild animals. Encourage residents to express thoughts on safety measures and precautions.

  • Grocery Shopping: Introduce navigating the grocery store using food puzzles. Transition to the Grocery Grab game for practical application of shopping skills, focusing on selecting goods and managing transactions safely.

Activities Professionals:

  • Food for Thought: Kickstart kitchen safety and nutrition sessions with food-themed puzzles. Follow up with a cooking demonstration emphasizing safe cooking practices and healthy eating habits.

  • Virtual Travel: Use scenery puzzles to introduce residents to virtual travel experiences on the Wellness platform. Facilitate discussions on travel planning and environmental safety to enhance safety awareness and planning skills.

Restorative Aides:

  • Let’s Get Physical: Incorporate puzzle-solving into restorative programs that also include physical exercises. For example, completing a puzzle can be followed by exercises that mimic actions related to the puzzle's theme, reinforcing the physical and cognitive benefits.

  • Coordination and Dexterity: Integrate puzzle-solving into restorative programs to enhance coordination and dexterity. Pair puzzle completion with activities like bead threading or buttoning clothes, reinforcing fine motor skills and promoting independence in daily tasks.

Using Digital Jigsaw Puzzles isn't just fun; it's also a learning opportunity. It helps residents develop important life skills like managing daily tasks and staying safe. This approach supports residents' independence and well-being, one puzzle piece at a time.

Click Here to schedule a RESTORE-Skills demo and experience a facility-wide commitment to skill building.

SNF Challenges Meet Their Match: A Game-Changing EMR Solution!

In the bustling world of Skilled Nursing Facilities, the dedication of therapists, DORs, and administrators shapes the core of patient care and operational success. Amidst their daily challenges, RESTORE-Insights serves as a strategic ally, crafted to amplify their impact and efficiency.

Therapists: Elevating Care, Reducing Paperwork

  • Streamline Documentation: Less time with paperwork means more quality time for your patients.

  • Real-Time Progress Tracking: Instantly adjust treatments to ensure each patient receives the care they need.

  • Enhance Patient Engagement: With reduced paperwork, there’s more opportunity to support and motivate your patients in their recovery journey.

Directors of Rehabilitation (DORs): Complex Scheduling Made Easy

  • Simplify Scheduling Processes: Managing multiple schedules becomes straightforward, allowing for optimal staff and patient alignment.

  • Flexibility with Therapist Assignments: Quickly change therapist assignments to match patient needs, ensuring efficient and effective therapy delivery.

  • Maximize Resource Efficiency: Make the most of your facility’s resources by aligning staff strengths with patient needs for a smoother operation.

Administrators: Efficient Reporting and Analytics

  • Customizable Reports: Embedded BI features in RESTORE-Insights allow for tailored report creation to fit any SNF's specific needs.

  • Actionable Insights: Provides essential data for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

  • Effortless Report Modification: Easy-to-use interface for modifying reports and dashboards to reflect evolving needs.

Why Choose RESTORE-Insights?

  1. For Therapists: Spend more time with patients and less on paperwork, thanks to an intuitive interface and efficient documentation.

  2. For DORs: Lead with confidence by leveraging the system's analytics for optimal resource allocation and therapy program management.

  3. For Administrators: Achieve operational excellence with tools that support financial management, ensure compliance, and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.

At the core of each Skilled Nursing Facility is an unwavering commitment to top-tier care and smooth operations. Together, they don't just meet standards; they set new ones, one patient and one report at a time. RESTORE-Insights isn't merely an EMR—it's a partner, offering steadfast support to these committed professionals in their crucial work.

Click Here to schedule a RESTORE-Skills demo and experience a facility-wide commitment to skill building.

Explore the Globe: Engaging Virtual Journeys

Prepare to ignite curiosity with our travel videos! We’re guiding you and your residents on a virtual journey through Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro, and Frankfurt. Explore our tailored activities that enhance these adventures. They're easy, entertaining, and rich with educational moments. Let's bring these destinations to life through hands-on exploration!

Cape Town, South Africa: A Kaleidoscope of Nature and Culture

  1. Table Mountain Yoga: Follow up with the video with a chair yoga session, integrating movements that mimic climbing and exploring, to bring the physical experience of hiking to life.

  2. Flora and Fauna Discussion: Hold a group discussion or presentation on the unique plants of the Cape. Consider having botanical prints or simple potted plants for tactile interaction.

  3. Craft a Mini Bo-Kaap: Using colorful paper and basic craft supplies, residents create their own vibrant Bo-Kaap houses. Encourages creativity and reminiscing about the colorful visuals from the video.

  4. South African Tea Tasting: Host a tea-tasting session featuring Rooibos tea, a South African staple. Pair it with traditional snacks. Engage the senses and spark conversations about the flavors of South Africa.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: A Carnival of Joy and Wonder

  1. Copacabana Beach Day: Transform your common area into the world's most famous beach for a day. Beach-themed decorations, samba music, and Brazilian snacks can make for a festive atmosphere.

  2. Sugarloaf Mountain Meditation: Lead a meditation session that encourages residents to visualize the panoramic vistas of Sugarloaf Mountain and feel the tranquility of the mountain.

  3. Carnival Parade: Host your own mini carnival! Encourage residents to make costumes and decorate masks. Finish with a parade around the facility, letting everyone show off their creations.

  4. Iguazu Falls Sound Therapy: Play recordings of waterfall sounds for a peaceful sound therapy session, helping residents relax and maybe share stories of nature experiences they've had.

Frankfurt, Germany: A Blend of Tradition and Modern

  1. Christmas Market Celebration: Recreate the magic of Frankfurt's Christmas Market, no matter the season. Crafts, traditional German treats, and hot cocoa can make for a cozy, festive day.

  2. Lovelock Bridge Messages: Invite residents to write messages on paper "locks" that can be attached to a small indoor "bridge" set up for this purpose, fostering a sense of community and shared dreams.

  3. Non-Alcoholic Wine Tasting: Host a tasting of non-alcoholic wines or grape juices. Discuss the history of wine-making in Germany, engaging residents in a sensory and educational experience.

  4. Frankfurt-Themed Bingo: Design a bingo game with symbols and icons representing Frankfurt's landmarks, cultural elements, and traditions mentioned in the video.

Thank you for journeying with us through Cape Town’s colors, Rio’s rhythms, and Frankfurt’s flair. We hope these activities inspired you to bring the world closer to your residents, creating moments of connection and discovery. Keep exploring, keep creating, and here's to turning every day into a new adventure. See you on the next trip!

P.S. We'd love to hear about the creative ways you're using RESTORE-Wellness. Post in the RESTORE  Game Changers, skilled-care professional Facebook group and let the world see your genius!

Transform how residents receive care all while streamlining workflow with RESTORE’s innovative platform. Click Here to schedule a RESTORE-Wellness demo.

What is a Skill-Building EMR?

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) seek innovation to elevate patient care and improve efficiency. Enter the skill-building EMR, a game-changer for SNFs and therapy companies, designed to streamline therapy management and engage patients effectively.

What Is a Skill-Building EMR?

A skill-building EMR integrates therapy management with real-time patient data, enabling personalized, data-driven care. It allows therapists to swiftly adjust treatments, ensuring tailored care that significantly enhances patient outcomes.

Key Benefits:

Real-Time Actionable Data: Offers immediate insight into patient care and facility operations, enabling timely interventions and decisions.

Streamlined documentation: Reduces administrative tasks, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

Custom BI Reporting: Provides customizable solutions, enabling providers to tailor reports and live dashboards to their specific needs.

Holistic Care Collaboration: Fosters collaboration among care providers, creating a unified view of patient progress, enabling personalized care plans.


Introducing RESTORE-Insights

RESTORE-Insights represents the forefront of skill-building EMR technology. Tailored for SNFs, it provides a comprehensive platform that not only meets today’s needs but paves the way for future advancements in care and efficiency.

Take Action

See the difference RESTORE-Insights can make in your facility. Request a demo today and step into a new era of rehabilitative care excellence. Simplify care, improve outcomes, and enhance efficiency with RESTORE-Insights.

Click Here to schedule a RESTORE-Skills demo and experience a facility-wide commitment to skill building.

Your New Skill-Building EMR!

At RESTORE-Skills, we are committed to continuously innovating to serve you better and enhance patient care quality. I am excited to introduce you to our new Therapy EMR, RESTORE-Insights.

We believe it’s time for a change. RESTORE-Insights is the alternative the market has been waiting for—a fresh approach to therapy EMR that addresses the market’s pain points and challenges.

Here’s how RESTORE-Insights can benefit your organization:

  • Streamlined Documentation: Say hello to autosave and goodbye to time-consuming data entry. RESTORE-Insights simplifies documentation, ensuring accurate and efficient record-keeping.

  • Real-Time BI: With access to real-time actionable data, you can make informed decisions and gain valuable insights into patient progress, therapy outcomes, and facility performance, your BI dashboard are included.

  • Customizable Solutions: RESTORE-Insights offers a flexible, customizable platform to meet your specific needs. We’re here to support your unique requirements and growth objectives.

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Our platform boosts operational efficiency with streamlined workflows and reduced administrative overhead. It empowers your team to focus more on patient care and less on paperwork.

  • Cost Savings: Reduce costs associated with documentation errors and administrative tasks. RESTORE-Insights optimize your resource allocation, making every dollar count.

  • Collaborative Partnerships: Foster collaboration among therapy, nursing, and wellness teams. RESTORE-Insights creates a unified environment where all care providers work seamlessly toward shared patient goals.

RESTORE-Insights is not just another therapy EMR; it’s a Skill-Building EMR designed to support the entire skill-building process. This strategic shift positions our platform as a comprehensive solution, emphasizing its role in fostering a collaborative, facility-wide approach to enhancing patient skills, wellness, and rehabilitation outcomes.

I want to invite you to explore RESTORE-Insights today and experience firsthand how it can revolutionize therapy management for your facility. We are ready to assist, answer your questions, and guide you through this exciting journey.

Click Here to schedule a RESTORE-Insights demo and experience a facility-wide commitment to skill building. 

Thank you for being a valued part of the RESTORE-Skills community. We look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards,

Eran Arden,

CEO and Founder

Help Residents Foster New Friendships & Shared Experiences

Gear up, Activities Pros! It's time to cast into the vibrant world of Fishing Quest! This blog is your treasure map to discover why this game is a must-have in your activity toolkit, and how to make the most of it.

Five Reasons to Play

  1.       Universal Accessibility: Fishing Quest is suitable for everyone, regardless of their gaming experience. Its inclusive design ensures all residents, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities, can join in.

  2.       Social Interaction: Fishing Quest naturally fosters social interaction. Residents can play together, share tips, and celebrate each other’s catches, strengthening community bonds.

  3.       Interests and Learning: The game opens doors to learning about different fish species, ecosystems, and fishing techniques, appealing to residents with a love for nature and learning.

  4.       Variety and Flexibility: With different levels and challenges, the game offers a variety of experiences. Residents can enjoy a casual play at their own pace or engage in more competitive, skill-based challenges.

  5.       Memory Lane: Fishing Quest can be a nostalgic experience for many, recalling past fishing adventures. It’s a wonderful way to connect residents with their personal histories and spark conversations.

Five Ways to Play

  1.       Fish Identification Workshop: Following gameplay, host a session on fish identification and interesting facts about each species found in the game. It can be both educational and a great conversation starter.

  2.       Fishing Quest Storytelling: Invite residents to share their own fishing experiences or tall tales inspired by their gameplay. It’s a fantastic way to engage in storytelling and reminisce about past adventures.

  3.       Fish-Themed Art Day: Organize an art day where residents can draw, paint, or craft the fish they’ve caught in the game. This activity encourages creativity and self-expression.

  4.       ‘Fisherman’s Feast’ Themed Party: Host a themed party where the menu, decorations, and music revolve around a fishing theme, inspired by their virtual catches in Fishing Quest.

  5.       Fishing Quest Picture Frames: Take pictures of residents playing the game and then have them create picture frames for the photos, fostering creativity and a sense of accomplishment.

Bring Fishing Quest into the mix and see how it transforms your community! These activities are all about connecting, sharing laughs, and building stronger bonds. Watch as each session fosters new friendships and shared experiences, catch by catch!

P.S. We'd love to hear about the creative ways you're using RESTORE-Wellness. Post in the RESTORE  Game Changers, skilled-care professional Facebook group and let the world see your genius!

Transform how residents receive care all while streamlining workflow with RESTORE’s innovative platform. Click Here to schedule a RESTORE-Wellness demo.

Hooking Therapeutic Gains with Every Cast

Welcome to Fishing Quest, where fun gameplay aligns with therapeutic progress. We're uncovering how this game works on crucial skills for therapy patients, offering a unique blend of engagement and skill development for therapists across disciplines.

Balance and Bilateral Coordination

  •         Occupational Therapy: Improves ability to perform tasks requiring coordinated use of both hands, like preparing meals or doing laundry.

  •         Physical Therapy: Aids in developing stability and coordination necessary for climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or navigating uneven surfaces.

  •         Speech-Language Pathology: The integration of cognitive-linguistic tasks supports abilities like following verbal instructions for daily self-care routines and effectively communicating needs and preferences.

Crossing the Midline

  •         Occupational Therapy: Enhances the ability to perform tasks that require reaching across the body, like washing the opposite arm or leg or zipping a jacket.

  •         Physical Therapy: Promotes flexibility and range of motion, critical for activities like exercising or vacuuming.

  •         Speech-Language Pathology: Facilitates communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, aiding in conversational turn-taking comprehension like participating in group discussions or responding appropriately to family or caregivers.

Range of Motion

  •         Occupational Therapy: Aids in increasing joint movement for activities like dressing, grooming, and other personal care activities.

  •         Physical Therapy: Focuses on improving mobility for actions like bending or stretching, for daily tasks such as dressing, bathing, or reaching for items.

  •         Speech-Language Pathology: Helps in facilitating breath control and posture for clearer speech, supporting tasks involving verbal communication, like phone conversations or asking for help.

Attention and Endurance

  •         Occupational Therapy: Builds concentration for tasks such as managing finances or following recipes.

  •         Physical Therapy: Develops stamina necessary for taking showers or grocery shopping without fatigue.

  •         Speech-Language Pathology: Improves sustained attention for better comprehension and expression in conversations, like making appointments or community participation.

Eye-Hand Coordination and Motor Planning

  •         Occupational Therapy: Essential for precise tasks like eating with utensils or brushing teeth.

  •         Physical Therapy: Helps in activities requiring coordination, such as cooking or driving.

  •         Speech-Language Pathology: Aids in the coordination of speech production and non-verbal communication, assisting in the management of technology for tasks like reading newspaper headlines or ads.

Fishing Quest is your new ally in therapy. By incorporating it into your sessions, you’re not just adding fun; you're enhancing skill-building in an exciting way. Let's leverage this game to inspire and progress our residents' journeys towards better health and independence.

Click Here to schedule a RESTORE-Skills demo and experience a facility-wide commitment to skill building. 

Already part of RESTORE-Skills? Then join Game Changers, the skilled-care professional Facebook group!