The RESTORE Platform and SLP/STs

Hey RESTORE Tribe,

We are still in the midst of Better Hearing and Speech Month #BHSM, so we are putting something out there for our SLPs/STs.

FAQ: "Is the RESTORE platform geared toward SLPs/STs and what are some ways they can use it?" As a fellow SLP, I would like to shout from the rooftops, "YES it geared toward SLPs/STs!" Now for the second part of the question, let’s look at a few tips on how SLPs can integrate RESTORE.

Seth Meyers Tips GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Play and Practice: Functional skills for cognition and life skills.

  • Need to work on memory? Try Order Up! Or Love Connection.
  • Does your resident need to complete medication management to determine a safe discharge to home? Check out Pill Skil
  • Are you concerned with your patient’s overall safety awareness and ability to determine solutions to problems in their environment? Set them up with Safely Home.

Mouse Mode: Putting language at the forefront.

  • Tap into mouse mode where the resident can verbalize the response and the SLP can use the mouse to select targeted answer.
  • Grade the activity in Grocery Grab. SLPs can add/remove object pictures on grocery lists for word to picture matching OR picture to picture matching.
  • SLPs can modify game settings to increase or decrease task complexity for categorization, organization, and visual scanning.

Just Play: Setting the right goal.

  • Modify any game for a patient’s just right fit, SLPs can identify unique sessions for goal-setting.
  • Abby Williams, DOR/SLP at Arbors of Delaware, shared a creative use of our RESTORE game Jackpot, for a patient with memory impairments. The patient loves Jackpot (I mean, who doesn’t?😊) so Abby would initiate a JACKPOT game and have the patient pull the lever to see what three items appeared on the screen. Once the slot stopped spinning, the patient had to immediately recall the items and save them into working memory for the next task. This helped the resident work on delayed recall.

Our RESTORE community loves our SLPs/STs! We’re proud to connect with all of you. If you have a question leave a comment or email me and we will get those questions answered!


Posted in Employees, News, RESTORE, Seniors and tagged , , , , , , .

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