Navigating ADLs & IADLs: One Trivia Question at a Time

Tackling ADLs Through Trivia

  1. Dressing

Trivia Connection: The "70s, 80s, and 90s" categories can stimulate memories of past fashion trends. This reminiscence can motivate residents to dress themselves, prompting discussions about clothing choices from those eras and integrating dressing practice.

  1. Grooming & Personal Hygiene

Trivia Connection: The "Classic Movies" category can inspire residents to discuss iconic movie stars and their grooming styles. Residents might be inclined to emulate their favorite celebrities, encouraging grooming routines like combing hair or washing their faces.

  1. Eating

Trivia Connection: The "Food" category can trigger appetites and memories of favorite meals. These memories can be an opportune moment for OTs to work on hand coordination, using utensils, and discussing healthy eating habits.

  1. Mobility & Transferring

Trivia Connection: In the heat of the game, patients often reach out, move slightly, or adjust their seating. The subtle physical actions incorporated in the game mechanics can be amplified and directed towards improving mobility and transferring from one position or place to another.

Maneuvering IADLs Through Trivia

  1. Cooking & Meal Preparation:

Trivia Connection: The "Food" category can lead to discussions about recipes, ingredients, and cooking methods. Encourage patients to discuss and plan meals, potentially leading to cooking activities under supervision.

  1. Communication Management:

Trivia Connection: The "Food" category can lead to discussions about recipes, ingredients, and cooking methods. Encourage patients to discuss and plan meals, potentially leading to cooking activities under supervision.

  1. Managing Finances:

Trivia Connection: Categories like "Retro Games" or "Sports" can lead to questions about the cost of items or events in the past, initiating conversations about budgeting, inflation, and the value of money.

  1. Safety Awareness & Home Management:

Trivia Connection: The "Discharge to Home" category is a goldmine. Therapists can use this section to discuss potential hazards in the home, safety protocols, and adaptations necessary for a secure living environment. It emphasizes the vital skills and awareness that residents need once they're discharged, ensuring they can handle daily tasks confidently and safely.

Trivia Night is more than a game – it’s a bridge to real-world skills, encompassing ADLs and IADLs. The trick lies in drawing connections between the trivia categories and daily tasks, making rehabilitation essential and engaging. Give it a try and discover the therapeutic wonders of Trivia Night!


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