Feeling Lucky? To celebrate St. Patrick’s day, we’ve launched two new renditions of your patients’ favorite games. So warm up the corned beef, grab a shamrock, and start your St. Patty’s the RESTORE way!
Players will pull the slots to collect three (3) matching lucky items to win the round! Attach a sticker to your player’s chest to target weight-shifting, balance, and squatting. When asked why the slot-machine is their favorite game a player said, "I have to really concentrate on it. It makes me change hands too. It's a great, fun game. I love it!"
Leprechaun’s Loot! 
Help your patients embrace their mischievous side as a leprechaun in our newest activity. Like virtual air-hockey, players must move their character up & down in order to protect their side and score against their opponent. A perfect game from a group play setting, patients can engage in groups of two and compete to reach a high score! Watch out, the longer the game is played, the quicker the pot of gold moves between players.
Looking for a fun way to the resident during your St. Patrick’s festivities? Set up 2 or more stations where residents can play individually, as a team, or compete in a group simultaneously. They’ll have a great time sharing their favorite holiday memories and traditions.
Follow RESTOREskills on Facebook & LinkedIn for updates on our platform, new game announcements, testimonials, tips, and much much more! To schedule an obligation free demonstration of our on-demand therapy platform with our team, please contact us at info@restoreskills.com or call (330) 968-2879. We look forward to supporting your goals!