Mo Money, Less Problems

Who doesn’t like money?! Our guess is no one! And while money doesn’t grow on trees, you’ll find no shortage of the green stuff in our newest game Money Mania!  Our newest game requires players to complete a variety of rehab-driven tasks involving money ranging from the basic matching of bills to the collecting bills in order to reach a specified amount. Each activity has 4 levels that increase with difficulty as they are played through. To select a bill, players use the hand to hover over the bill of their choice.

  • Matching: Collect all of the bills that match the requested one in the instructions
  • Sequencing: Collect the bills and arrange them in ascending value. Check your answer or use "reset" to start over
  • Totaling: Collect the bill/s that total closest to the dollar up cost of the given amount

Like most of our games, Money Mania! allows players to practice both cognitive and motor skills. As they work through the various tasks involving money - encourage your patients to play with one or two hands together while sitting to expand the range of motion, strengthen their upper extremities, or cross the mid-line. Players can also practice standing, with or without support, to target balance and endurance.

How will you incorporate Money Mania! into your player's next therapy session? Let us know in the comments!

Follow the RESTORE blog for updates on industry news, PDPM, platform upgrades, new game announcements, user experience, and much much more! To schedule an obligation free demonstration of our on-demand therapy platform with our team, please contact us at or call (234) 303-0723. We look forward to supporting your goals!


RESTORE Recommended Sessions

Ask, and you shall receive! In response to multiple user requests, we are excited to share another platform update with you! This week, we launched our RESTORE Recommended sessions to help you choose the right course for your patients.

We have learned that choosing the right activity for every skill can be a challenge. And because deciding which activity to play to support specific skill development can take some time, especially when you’re just getting started, we developed a solution. Our recommended sessions were produced by therapists that use the platform to make it easier to start your skill-focused practice. You can find and start using these sessions, marked as RESTORE Recommended, in your Session Bank!

The RESTORE Recommended sessions are:

  • New User Training
  • RH Speech Skills
  • LH Range of Motion
  • RH Range of Motion
  • 2H Range of Motion
  • 2H Standing Endurance Reaching
  • 2L Knee Extension or Flexion

Watch this tutorial for a step-by-step guide on how to assign one of these sessions to a player of your choosing! We hope each these sessions help you to become better acquainted with the games and encourage more significant movement & practice from your patients. Be sure to read more about these sessions and the recorded daily progress metrics here

Follow the RESTORE blog for updates on industry news, PDPM, platform upgrades, new game announcements, user experience, and much much more! To schedule an obligation free demonstration of our on-demand therapy platform with our team, please contact us at or call (234) 303-0723. We look forward to supporting your goals!