RESTORE: A PDPM Therapy Opportunity Creator

'What will happen to therapy?" This is the question many are asking as they look toward the changes to come with PDPM. In his talk at the eCap Summit,  Marc Zimmet presented RESTORE as a PDPM therapy opportunity creator. CEO & President of Zimmet Healthcare Services Group, Marc boasts over 25 years experience in the skilled nursing industry and advises industry leaders as they face comprehensive payment and market reform. 

As practitioners across the country prepare for the shift to PDPM, many wonder if SNFs will see a mass reduction in therapy provision. But as Jonalyn Brown, VP of Operations at Consonus Healthcare, points out, there are steps we can take to ensure this fear does not come to pass. "While there will be a shift in services, particularly since therapy teams won’t be pressured to make up minutes if a patient has to miss an appointment, the amount will not decline in the move from RUG to PDPM — but only if therapy has been historically provided based on patient needs."

Delivering patient-centered care is at the heart of the new payment model and this paradigm shift offers a chance for therapy teams to expand tool kits. In the PDPM world, rehabilitation providers and SNFs must create additional therapy opportunities for the patient. If teams utilize online tools and other therapy technology, they can safeguard SNFs from the feared mass reduction in therapy.

How have you started to prepare for the changes brought on by PDPM? Are you concerned and left asking "what happens to therapy?" Let us know in the comments!

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